Thursday, January 22, 2009

Those international flights

Yes, yes, we know, we're not supposed to be taking those long haul international flights these days. They boil Bangladesh you know. However, if you're either stuck down in Australia or want to get to Australia there's not really all that much you can do about getting there without flying.

And if you're going to be flying there then you do indeed want to get around at the cheapest possible prices. Which is why I think is such an interesting site. Of course, it allows you to search for flights, for international flights. They can also deal with insurance, hotels and so on for you. But the part of the site that I think is most interesting is that for international flights.

Because, of course, if you're going to be going to Australia, that's the most expensive part of your trip, isn't it? Getting to hte other side of the world is going to be expensive so it does indeed pay to try and make it as cheap, or at least as least expensive, as you can.

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